Bluewater Health’s Children’s Auxiliary Boasts Long History of Healthcare Philanthropy

Over the last six decades, the Children’s Auxiliary has made it their mission to support local healthcare in Sarnia-Lambton, successfully raising over $660,000 through community-based events. The fundraising group dates back to 1955, when a small but mighty group of Sarnia-Lambton women who shared a common vision for the future of healthcare officially established the Children’s Auxiliary.

Their mission was to ensure children accessing care in the hospital had the most cheerful and comfortable stay possible. After all, as a child, coming to the hospital can at times be a frightening experience. Their efforts included frequent visits with the children to read them stories, which led to the members being appropriately nicknamed the “Story Ladies”. In its earlier days, the auxiliary also had baby rockers and play ladies, whose job was to rock newborns and play games with children during their stay, bringing a sense of comfort and calm to both the young patients and their families.

Since then, the group has evolved, but their roots remain firmly planted in healthcare philanthropy to support children staying in the hospital. And for many members, it is a lifelong passion to support local healthcare. Among the current 15 active members and 2 lifelong members, they share a collective 411 years of service with the Children’s Auxiliary, with many members having joined over 30 years ago.

Jo-Anne, one of the longest standing members, joined the auxiliary 41 years ago after the premature birth of her son.

“When you spend all that time in the hospital you really get to know everyone, all the staff and the nurses,” Jo-Anne says. “After experiencing all of the good they do at the hospital, I knew I wanted to give back and help other families.”

For some members, the Children’s Auxiliary is a family affair, a rite of passage, if you will. Tara, a member of 10 years, spent her childhood watching her mother, Cheri, and her grandmother, Jean, volunteer with the auxiliary. Tara often helped with the baking for the cookie walk, and eventually decided it was her time to join. Among three generations are 113 years of service with the auxiliary.

“I saw my mom fundraising with the auxiliary for as long as I can remember, and my grandmother, who was a nurse and just lived on George St., was involved since 1957,” Tara says. “Most of us join through our family and friends; it’s a natural fit, and we have fun.”

Over the years, the fundraising efforts of this dedicated group of volunteers have helped to purchase much needed equipment and supplies for Bluewater Health’s Maternal Infant Child program. From bassinets to sleeper chairs, they seek to provide what staff tell them are the priority needs. They do so through a variety of activities, including bingos, garage sales, selling gift cards and the ever-popular Christmas Cookie Walk, which is famous for selling out in mere hours.

Beyond their efforts for those larger purchases, the auxiliary also provides other gifts throughout the hospital for children and families, to help brighten their hospital visit. There is the pillowcase program, which sees pillowcases given to children prior to their day surgeries for use in hospital and to take home. There are also activity bags with crayons and colouring books for those awaiting treatment in the emergency department or ambulatory care.

The auxiliary also assembles and donates special packages for those babies born on New Year’s Day and Christmas, as well as favours for holidays like Halloween, Easter and Thanksgiving.

“Anything we can do to help alleviate the stress and anxiety for the kids, we will do it,” says Lynn, the current president and member of 23 years. “We are so proud to support the children at Bluewater Health for the last 69 years, and will continue working to ensure that every child who comes through the hospital doors will have the most comfortable and pleasant experience possible.”

The Children’s Auxiliary always welcomes new members to join their thriving community. If you are interested in joining, please contact Lynn Walsh by emailing [email protected].